Transvestites and Tekken: The Ferret Does Four Rooms in Japan
Prologue (and how we ended up here for twice as long as planned) The story of my travels around Japan are perhaps best accompanied by the story about how I got here, or more precisely, how I fucked up. Travel plans set, it was to be a voyage spanning both a reuniting with my father in Singapore followed by a jaunt in Tokyo; planned, primed and packed, it was only at the airport that disaster struck. Caught completely unaware, I had only 5 months left on my passport, one month less than what was required to enter the country. Panic set in, there was no chance of catching the flight. Plans dashed, hope sprang forth as we frantically devised a plan to rectify the situation. A lucky chance appointment to have a passport made within a day (with all the required paperwork completed in the span of a few hours) thwarted by the decision that due to a 2mm lift on the laminated page, the passport was declared damaged and thus ineligible for use or renewal (bullshit, I've been to more th...